Wednesday, 16 December 2015

FEC it

Yesterday was Chemo Eve and the year anniversary of living in our house.  Strangely enough it was a great day- Child 2 took part in the preschool nativity and was  beautiful angel Gabriel,  even while suffering from stage fright. 
In the afternoon, two wonderfully kind men from our church came and cut back the unruly hedge in our front garden so we can now see out of the window and passers-by van navigate the path more easily.
Not long after, Super Dad arrived and took the girls off for their second  Christmas so my mum and I tool the opportunity to go out for a meal to toast in the start of getting better. 
Pam made a return to oversee my sleep overnight and this morning I felt surprisingly calm on arrival at the hospital. 
It took about an hour and a half for the FEC to be administered by  the very kind, funny and totally brilliant  nurse and then I was on my way,  feeling normal and a bit miffed it had not been as dramatic as i suspected.
I carried on as normal for a couple of hours when I got home and even made a visit to the miracle centre where I had an amazing back massage (still making this work for me, right?!) Joking aside,  I don't know how I would manage without all the wonderful people there.  
I started to feel a little cocky  early afternoon,  thinking I had managed to avoid the side effects.  Sadly not.  I'm in bed, in the dark, feeling like I have a hangover. My bead even spins when I shut my eyes :( 

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