Wednesday, 20 January 2016

A New Pet For The Family

Just over a year ago I had to make an agonising decision to rehome the family dog, a hairy Chihuahua named Bruce. We needed to move and I couldn't find a habitable,  affordable rental which allowed pets and especially nowhere that would allow a pet that made dirty protests anywhere on a whim.  So Bruce was found a loving home and since then the girls, particualy Child 1, have been on and on and on and on about replacing the furry void he left behind. Bruce looked like an Alsatian that had been shrunk in the wash crossed with Yoda, but to Child 1 he was her spirit animal and nothing would ever be right until a hairy,  smelly pooping, nipping thing was in our home -and apparently Child 2 wasn't enough. 
So today I decided to give in and allow something hairy that needs a lot of TLC into our home but won't poo everywhere and can be left on its own. The girls are in love and have been playing with it all afternoon although we're struggling to come up with a suitable name. Take a look and see what you think!

With the help of my friends /miracle workers at The Pickering Cancer Drop-In Centre in Tunbridge Wells  I started the day like this :

And end it like this....

I now have in my possession a beautiful,  real hair wig. I  had so much fun trying on every single one and once again the fantastic volunteers lifted my spirits with laughter and hugs. It's thanks to Polly and her team I live by the mantra 'Cancer is a word, not a sentence' and the fact the centre also supports the families of sufferers has made it an invaluable source of advice on navigating the emotional aspects of a cancer diagnosis. 

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